Rifle & Pistol Range Rules
A) FUNDAMENTAL SAFETY RULES for handling or using firearms:
2. Always keep the firearm pointed in a safe direction.
3. Always keep your finger off the trigger until ready to shoot.
4. Always keep the firearm unloaded until ready to use.
B) CEASE FIRE PROCEDURE ‐ Prior to going down range:
1. Coordinate the cease fire with everyone on that range.
2. Make all firearms safe (empty chamber, magazine out, action open, firearm on the bench with open action facing up).
3. Activate any available warning device.
When anyone is down range everyone else must be behind the yellow ready line. ‐ Firearms must be unloaded, magazines out, action open, and benched. No one touches a firearm, for any reason, when anyone is down range.
C) GENERAL SAFETY RULES for using or storing firearms:
1. Know the target and what is beyond.
2. Know how to use the firearm safely.
3. Ensure the firearm is safe to operate.
4. Use only the correct ammunition for the firearm.
5. Store firearms so they are not accessible to unauthorized persons.
6. Be aware that certain types of firearms and many shooting activities require additional safety precautions.
1. All federal, state, and local laws shall be obeyed.
2. Never use alcohol or drugs before or while shooting.
3. Wearing eye and ear protection is required.
4. MSA rules and use of the range will be superseded by special events, projects, and maintenance.
5. Everyone must sign in. You do not have to sign out. MSA R&P Rules Page 1 of 4
6. No shooting is allowed before sunrise or after sunset.
7. The Board reserves the right to exclude unusual firearms and targets that might be unsafe or cause undue damage to club property. No aerial or exploding targets.
8. Firearms must be unloaded, magazines out, and have the actions open except when the shooter is on a firing line and ready to fire. I. When moved, all firearms must be unloaded, magazines out, have the actions open and pointed in the safest direction (normally with the muzzle upward). II. Firearms will normally remain cased or boxed until on the firing line. III.This rule does not restrict LTC Handgun Licensees and Law Enforcement officers from carrying handguns legally.
9. Shoot only from the firing lines. DO NOT shoot from in front of provided benches except bays 0 9 and the gravel shooting area on range “B”. The firing lines on bays 0 through 9 ‐ vary with the position of the shooter in the bay in all cases will be parallel to the targets.
10. Shooters shall use the MSA provided target stands, which must not be moved, except in bays 8 & 9 where the shooter may supply the targets and stands (see range specific rules for bays 8 & 9 for types of targets allowed in those bays).
11. Shoot in a controlled manner and only at the targets directly in front of you. Every shot must impact the berm directly in front of the firing position.
12. When shooting prone, you must keep others on the firing line aware of your position.
13. Children under 18, all guests, and anyone not having gone through orientation must be under the direct supervision of the orientated member at all times and within arm’s length while on a firing line.
14. No tracer or incendiary ammunition is allowed.
15. Do not shoot at or harm any wildlife on MSA property.
16. Pistols may be drawn from holsters only while in the pistol and automatic bays 0 through 9 (this rule does not restrict LTC Handgun Licensees and Law Enforcement officers from carrying legally).
17. Do not litter – put all used targets, waste, and rimfire or non brass shells in the barrels.
18. Speed limit is 10 mph through the range.
19. Gates must remain closed and locked.
20. Do not climb on or over any berm. Never dig into or remove lead from berms.
21. Membership cards must be readily available and shall not be loaned, transferred, or used by others.
Guest Policy
MSA members may bring guests (2 per visit per oriented member). All guests must sign in
Guests brought under the following provisions will be admitted free:
1. Introductory guest – a guest with a member and using the member’s firearm.
2. Any Minor – less than 18 years and under the direct supervision of the member.
3. Close family members – those residing outside Midland and Ector counties. MSA R&P Rules Page 2 of 4
4. Spectators and bona fide entrants in matches or events sanctioned by the MSA Board, when participation in such events is the entrant’s only use of the range.
Guests brought under the following provisions must pay a $10.00 fee (per guest, per visit):
1. Occasional Guest – A guest with a member and firing his or her own firearm. Each member is limited to two “Occasional Guests” per visit. The member is responsible for paying a $10.00 fee (per guest, per visit) by depositing payment into the blue steel box next to the clubhouse door, prior to shooting.
2. Non-members participating in a License to Carry class from an instructor approved by ‐ the MSA Board. The LTC instructor is responsible for paying a $10.00 fee (per student, per visit)
No smoking within 15 feet of a loading rack or firing line.
Firearms must be charged from a separate measure, not from a flask or powder horn.
All loading must be done at a rack behind the firing line. Cap or prime on the firing line.
No open powder cans on the loading line, firing line, or in any buildings.
Wipe the bore between each shot.
Firearm must be carried with the muzzle up.
All rounds must hit either the target and/or the berm directly behind the target.
Any action that results in rounds potentially escaping the range or damaging MSA property may result in consequences including loss of membership and/or further actions.
Rapid uncontrolled fire is not permitted. ‘Rapid’ fire must be controlled.
RANGES A1 & A2: 25, 50, 75 and 100 yard; paper targets only.
Rifles, pistols, and shotguns with slugs only.
Rifles, any centerfire to .45 caliber, any muzzle loader. No armor piercing, steel core, tracer, or incendiary ammo
RANGE A3: Archery only, paper and 3-D targets:
Bows with field points only, and only at the provided target backer or target.
Do not shoot if anyone is down range or in danger of a ricochet.
RANGE B: 100, 200 & 300-yard paper, 300 & 500-yard swinging steel plates
Rifles, pistols, and shotguns with slugs only.
No armor piercing, steel core, tracer, or incendiary ammo.
Do not move the targets; shoot only the targets directly in front of you (do not crossfire). MSA R&P Rules Page 3 of 4
Shoot only from a bench or prone at distances greater than 200 yards (no offhand shooting at distances greater than 200 yards).
RANGE C: 25 yard to 200 meter
Shoot at MSA supplied steel silhouettes only.
Handguns - any rimfire, any straight walled centerfire pistol cartridge and .357 Sig (i.e. .38 special, 9mm, 44 magnum, etc.)
Rifles - any rimfire or straight-walled pistol caliber carbines. NO MAGNUM CALIBERS IN PISTOL CALIBER CARBINES.
The following calibers are NOT to be used on this range: 22 TCM, 5.7 FN, .223/5.56, 7.62x39, .30 carbine. No black or brown tip ammo. Other calibers may be allowed or exempted by the board based on the safety of the members and the construction of the targets.
RANGE D: 150 to 500 meter, swinging steel plates.
Do not go downrange FOR ANY REASON!
Rifles only – any centerfire to .45 caliber, any muzzle loader, no magnums over .30 caliber.
No pistols or shotguns.
No armor piercing, steel core, tracer or incendiary ammo
RANGE E: 7, 15, 25, and 50-yard, paper targets only.
Shoot only from directly behind the provided benches.
Pistols and rifles up to .45 caliber, any muzzle loader, no magnums over .30 caliber.
PISTOL BAYS 0 THROUGH 7: Variable yardage, paper targets only.
Rounds must not strike the target frames.
Pistols and rifles up to .45 caliber, any muzzle loader, no magnums over .30 caliber
BAYS 8 & 9: Shooter provided targets
Use your own targets and target supports ONLY. Do NOT use any MSA property such as cable spools, target frames from other ranges or competition equipment.
You may use automatic firearms, rifles, pistols and shotguns.
Shotguns with slugs or shot are allowed.
Place targets as low and close to the backstop (berm) as possible.
DO NOT USE: Glass, TV’s, steel appliances, or anything that produces shards or material that will cause a ricochet. Recommended materials include paper, cardboard, wood, plastic bottles, etc.
No fruits, vegetables(such as melons or pumpkins), or other food stuffs.
No aerial targets.
No exploding targets.
DO NOT LITTER – put all used targets, waste and non brass shells in the barrels or ‐ dumpster.