"Joining" MSA simply refers to getting all your information in our membership database. The easiest and most accurate way to do that is to join on-line. Click HERE to fill out your application to join (you may want to finish reading this page before doing that).
If you have ever been a member in the past your information is already in our system. You can Log In to update your information and renew your membership.
Prefer to do everything in person? The R&P Admin is on duty every weekend, or stop by the Shotgun Range. We'll be happy to help you get signed up when you get to the range.
Effective March 1, 2012, MSA membership dues are $200.00 per year. All memberships are considered family memberships for the purposes of range use (within the limits of range regulations). This family membership includes both spouses and all children (17 and under) living in the household.
We recommend that you pay your dues on-line when you fill out your membership application (step #1). Paying on-line ensures your dues are credited to the correct membership.
If you joined in person you will still need to take the Rifle & Pistol Range orientation class before using the R&P Range (see step #3).
You may renew your membership here.
Because the R&P Range offers such a wide variety of range areas and types of shooting, it is critical that all of our members are following the same safety and range usage procedures.
All members must attend a one-time Range Orientation class prior to using the Rifle & Pistol Range (no exceptions). The classes are offered on-line and take about 45 minutes to complete.
After you join and pay on-line go to www.msa-school.teachable.com. Once you have completed orientation your gate card will be mailed to you.
The nature of the shotgun sports and Shotgun Range makes range use less complex so the orientation process is simpler. On your first visit to the Shotgun Range check in at the clubhouse and let them know you are a new member.

ready to join msa?

The Association
Membership information.
MSA Directors & Bylaws
Contact Information.
Meeting minutes (members only)
Rifle & Pistol range
Rifle & Pistol Range Rules
Competitive opportunities
Shotgun range
Trap & Skeet
5 Stand
Sporting Clays